Sunday, October 19, 2008

Bug Virtuemart Session Expired


Once you may have a problem when you using virtuemart. When you login from front end, your browser said SESSION_EXPIRED or Invalid Token. You can try this :

  1. edit global configuration from back end. click global configuration/ system in session lifetime fill number higher than 15 minutes
  2. VirtueMart is also affected by this bug. The problem is indeed a wrong order of the calls to initSessionAdmin and doGzip
    at the end of the file /administrator/index2.php.

    check this out

    103 doGzip();
    105 // if task action is 'save' or 'apply' redo session check
    106 if ( $task == 'save' || $task == 'apply' ) {
    107 $mainframe->initSessionAdmin( $option, '' );
    108 }

    change it to :
    102 // if task action is 'save' or 'apply' redo session check
    103 if ( $task == 'save' || $task == 'apply' ) {
    104 $mainframe->initSessionAdmin( $option, '' );
    105 }
    106 doGzip();

    replace in /administrator/index2.php

    good luck.


Saat lo dapat masalah ketika menggunakan virtuemart. Pada saat lo login di Front End situs lo muncul pesan SESSION_EXPIRED atau Invalid Token. Coba deh langkah-langkah berikut :

  1. edit session lifetime di Global Configuration/System menjadi lebih dari 15 menit, atau
  2. Bug pada VirtueMart juga disebabkan oleh kesalahan perintah "initSessionAdmin" dan "doGzip" pada baris-baris terakhir file /administrator/index2.php.

    Perhatikan ini :

    103 doGzip();
    105 // if task action is 'save' or 'apply' redo session check
    106 if ( $task == 'save' || $task == 'apply' ) {
    107 $mainframe->initSessionAdmin( $option, '' );
    108 }

    rubah menjadi :

    102 // if task action is 'save' or 'apply' redo session check
    103 if ( $task == 'save' || $task == 'apply' ) {
    104 $mainframe->initSessionAdmin( $option, '' );
    105 }
    106 doGzip();

    unggah ke /administrator/index2.php

    semoga berhasil

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